Sunday, September 22, 2013

Christmas Series Event

Make and Take Craft Weekend,  held our first month in our Christmas Series Event today and it was so much fun. The ladies today made a holiday pillow and a Christmas ribbon tree to use as decorations for their homes or if you're lucky you might get them as a gift from these fine ladies.

The holiday pillow required sewing and it's so funny to see people get worried about not being able to sew but then they figure it out and are so excited to see their finished project. These ladies were rock stars with sewing and their pillows turned out so cute!

We stopped for a bit to have a very yummy snack of apple crisp and ice cream! Oh so yummy, so you know it's not good for ya!

The ribbon trees will look amazing in their homes this Christmas. Such a fun and easy thing to add some color to a mantel or table.

Today was so much fun and we are still offering 3 more months in this series, it's not too late to sign up. For more information and details, click here.

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