Thursday, January 23, 2014

Frozen Inspired

I'm just gonna say it, "I pretty much stink at this blogging thing!" I have all the intentions of writing up different posts but then I find myself wanting to create things instead of documenting every little thing I do! So this will be a random posting schedule until I can figure some thing out and I just decided to start selling children's clothing that I make. I'm starting out small with just a Facebook page called A LOT of ATTITUDE! So I have been busy with that as well and have already had a few orders which is so exciting!

I don't know about you but we have seen the movie Frozen, twice and my kids are running around the house singing the soundtrack so I thought I'd better whip them up some play dresses! Anna's dress was easy, I just followed the colors and made it a peasant style so it's easy on and off for them. Elsa's was a little harder because it looks sheer and that my friends is not something I wanted to mess with for dress up clothes! I found the blue lace on sale at Hancock's and thought that would be a great overlay. I should have used a silver ribbon on the bodice but I used what I had, sometimes you just need to use what you got! I thought they turned out great! Easy on and off, no glitter of any kind and I bet they last much longer than the ones you buy at the stores!


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